Gift Aid

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Fundraising for: The Iqbal Kids for Gaza Field Hospital

£451 raised. Let's make it to £1000!

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Fundraising for: The Iqbal Kids for Gaza Field Hospital

£451 raised. Let's make it to £1000!

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1. This donation is made using my own funds.

2. I will not be receiving anything in exchange for making this donation.

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Fundraising for: The Iqbal Kids for Gaza Field Hospital

£451 raised. Let's make it to £1000!

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Fundraising for: The Iqbal Kids for Gaza Field Hospital

£451 raised. Let's make it to £1000!

Your donation summary

Gaza - Emergency Food Packs

Type: Zakat


Admin Fee




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Confidence to donate

100% donation policy

Zakat eligible

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Donation Summary

Gaza emergency

Type: Zakat


Admin Fee

