Sophia Malik
Afghanistan - Bakery/Bread
Kabul bread project: 100 breads for just £12!
Fundraising Story
Much of the population of Afghanistan are unable to meet their basic life needs. More than 50% of the population is living under the poverty line. Since the exchange of government in August 2021, Afghan widows, orphans and poor people have been facing one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, in part due to economic collapse and severe ongoing drought. One of the most egregious consequences of these challenges has been the effect on food security across Afghanistan, with millions of people in the country now experiencing acute hunger.
Based on our needs assessment, considering the current condition of widows, orphans and poor people, we provide weekly bread distributions, distributed in Kabul and Kandahar province and surrounding areas, where the rate of hunger is considered high. We currently distribute bread packs (consisting of 3 pieces of bread per pack) per person. Bread is distributed weekly in Kabul. In Kandahar we have a SWAN bakery which employs local bakers and provides bread three times a week to anyone in need. Orphan and widow families are considered the key beneficiaries of the project.
We have distributed 1945 bread packs (each with 3 bread) weekly, 7780 each month in Kabul. In Kandahar we have distributed over 1400 bread packs weekly, 5600 monthly, totaling 447,350 in the year 2023. We aim to increase distributions in 2024 from the SWAN bakery.
£50 provides 150 families with bread for a week.
SWAN are responding to the crisis by working with local partners in setting up a bread shop in Kabul to provide 1000s of bread every day and distributing monthly food packs to families in need.
100 breads cost just £12!
Giving Levels
Provides 100 breads
Provides 150 families with bread for a week
Latest donations
Anonymous Donor
5 months ago
Anonymous Donor
7 months ago
Anonymous Donor
8 months ago